Sunday, January 24, 2010

Finding the creative energy within

Its been a long time since I've posted anything. I admit I'd like to create perfect little blurbs about the workings of my mind, but the truth is I just don't find myself being creative in writing (I must have missed that class in high school, just like I missed speech. Public speaking makes my body go limp). I would not say I couldn't do it if I put my mind to it, but if I'm not feeling it then what's the point? But the creative outlet I do find myself enjoying immensely is photography. Ever since I was in high school I wanted to get into photography. I even convinced my parents to help me buy a nice camera at that time. I started taking a class at a photography store but quickly found myself lost in the technical terminology that I was not ready for. I wanted the basics to taking good pictures, eventually I would learn the technical stuff along the way. So what happened? I slowly abandoned that endeavor. It lay dormant beneath all the other interests that had taken priority for the moment. However, gradually my interest has been piqued again and here I am, without a digital camera (apparently I missed the fact that we're in the 21st century or maybe I just haven't been able to afford the one I really want?) attempting to learn the basics. So far I'm content with my progress. I've started a photo blog and I've actually been taking photographs. It makes my heart smile.

Photography is how I can express myself without using words. Its a way of looking, seeing, and capturing what is right in front of us. It allows the details to be seen that might otherwise be overlooked. It captures the essence of that thing. It captures the beauty that some at first glance might think is ugly. Photography captures a piece of life in a single shot. The more photos you take the pieces come together. So I'll keep taking photos.