Last year I decided to buy some flowers at the local hardware store to plant in our rediculously naked flower bed in front of our house (pictured above). To my knowledge nothing has really ever grown there before I came along, with the exception of a cherry tomato plant, rose bushes that were diseased and tulips in the spring. I bought a whole24 flat of marigolds (an annual I've loved since I was akid) and a few geraniums to fill it up and give our poor brown spot some life. Well the marigolds loved it because I had never seen any grow as big as these. I guess that soil was ready to give something life...and a big life at that.
This year, since I have not found a job and I was well beyond stir crazy by March, I decided to go a little farther with the gardening. I started my own seedlings in the house andlots of them. I began with more than enough Roma tomato plants. In spanish we call them jitomates, and they are a staple in Mexican cooking so I don't worry about having too many because I can always use them and so can family that lives with and near us. I've also planted JalapeƱos and cilantro. And for flowers I have Zinnias, marigolds, Impatiens and one other flower that I don't know what it is but came from some seeds I saved from last years flowers!!

For now they are all growing nicely in their little pots but I can't wait until it's time to get them outside and fill the bed in front AND the planters in back.
I've never been so excited to see something grow. It's nice to preoccupy my mind with something other than the job search and house remodeling (though the job search is not going so bad either).